My Journey List

Per inspiration and instructions from Mr. Impossible himself (AKA Joel Runyon of the Impossible League) I am sharing my own intended Life Itinerary Way-points:

The truly Epic:

Substantially and Quantifiably help one person pursue his/her passion… every year

Invent one word that makes it into the Dictionary (not just the urban one)

Fund an artist for (at least) a year

Other Life:

52 weeks of one blog post a week

52 weeks of one book a week

1 year living debt free (no mortgage, car payment, student loans, nor carried credit card balances)

Live in another country for (at least) 6 months

Publish an Academic Article

Publish a Non-Fiction Article (printed)

Be paid for a speaking gig

Teach a collegiate course


Solo travel in non-english speaking country

Visit Every Continent

Drive US coast-to-coast

Spend (at least) 1 week hiking Appalachian Trail (or comparable)

Stay in a hostel (yes, I really never have)



Spend a night on a sailboat at sea

Have coffee in 50 countries before I turn 50


Race/Ride/Event in every US State (and DC)

5K (technically I haven’t raced a 5K, first race was 4miles) (Corri di Vita 9/30/12)



Half Marathon

30mile No-Stop Ride

Metric Century Ride

Full Century Ride

Double Century (2 Days)

Double Century in one day (STP – July 2012)

Triathalon – sprint distance

Triathlon – olympic distance

Things to learn:


Emergency Medical Training

Yoga teaching certification

Fluent in one other language

Things to try:


Poledancing (for fitness)



Guided Meditation

Fly a plane

Jump out of a plane (skydive)



Roast my own coffee

Brew My own beer

Raise Chickens

A 3-Day Fast

Vegan for 3 months

Polar Bear Swim





  1. […] super-stoked sapphire tinted head to Killer Tribes this weekend as well as knocking 2 items off my Journey List. I’m excited, nervous, and know thus I am doing the right thing. You can follow my adventure […]

  2. […] wouldn’t classify myself as an adrenaline junkie. Bungee Jumping isn’t even on my journey list but what got me was this from Joel: “You have the choice of whether to jump or […]

  3. […] weekends ago, I finished an event I’ve had on my calendar and Journey List for over a year. Conquering the Athens to Savannah Double Century was a double […]

  4. […] going to happen. I decided to stick with the commitment and accomplish one of the things on my waylay point list: Stay Vegan for 3 […]

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