Surviving Divorce to Thrive

I am just shy of 6 years in my post-divorce life.  I ran across this writing a few weeks ago and struggled with whether to publish it. I can only think that someone, somewhere needs to read it. For her… 

Going through this you are going to feel crazy.

You are going to have extreme highs and extreme lows.

You are going to take a while to sort things out and create the new you.

There is no “right” here. It’s all ok. Breathe.

My mom told me that she tells all her divorcing clients to not make any life-course-altering decisions after a divorce for at least three years because you are just too reactionary and fragile. Sometimes three years sounds itself ridiculously long — you are making new life decisions daily. Sometimes you will think it is not nearly long enough to get your shit together.

You are making countless changes because your routine is entirely shaken. It is like moving to another country overnight. Go to sleep one day in the US and wake up the next in Uganda.

You are faced with all the enormity and scary and wondrously blissful feeling of getting to make new patterns for yourself. [Read more…]

What is in a Name?

Hi My Name is Jo

No” Dad said, “you have to sign your entire name.”

That is my name”

No, like what is on your ID.”

Yeah, Dad, that is it.”


This was more than a year after my divorce.

Ah yes, the big D. The turning point and legal process that began almost exactly 5 years ago and eventually led me to this place. This is long enough without delving deep into the divorce yet but suffice to say: the EX and I are cool but yea, public failure on the record and it was the reason I am now just Joanna June

Most of us are all saddled with our formal name yet it comes to define us in so many ways. I heard recently from a new Impossible League friend Deborah that she draws an extra measure of strength from her name as it means in Hebrew “bee” or “bumblebee.” She writes, “I’ve read that the flight of bumblebees defies all that we know of aerodynamics…. But, to Mark Twain’s point, nobody told the bumblebees this so they buzz around just the same!” Deb unquestioningly loves her name and uses it as a reminder that she too “can fly!”

I love that sentiment. I think that your name should be one you are proud to own and share.

“Joanna June” has always been a part of my moniker but I am not the progeny of a long line of Junes. 

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