Bumbling through one blog post at a time…

That probably isn’t a very good tagline or article title. Cheeky and cute if attempting “ironical” but not so much if true.

Yet, I AM still learning. I’m not even close to a Michelangelo so my work looks/feels/is like the smash-spattering of a 2 year old fingerpainting.

This is of course, might not be a news flash to you my dear reader, but I want you to know that I know it. This is a new world for me and I’m putting my big-beer-drinking-girl-pants on to admit that I am fallible and way over my head here.

The only way out is through?

Apparently that quotation is about writing. Ha!

Finding my way

My way through has always been gathering information and figuring it out. A fair amount of what I’ve been reading these last weeks have been talking about theme: finding your voice, honing your message, creating your brand… Not to mention my Marketing class with endless circle-back to value proposition and mission.

Great. Here I jumped in before I solidly, completely grasped or even imagined the whole picture. Now what?

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Taking a flying leap…

A few weeks ago the daily DealMobs was a half-off discount on a flying trapeze lesson. Yes please.

I have been thinking of trying some sort of arial class for a while (it is on my list and everything) and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Yesterday was the big day…

Interesting experience?


Did I have fun?


Worth the $20 for two hours?


A little disappointing?


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