Super Moon Linkage


I first apologize for the linkage hiatus. I was on the road and recovering from killer work week and Ath-Sav. Links are back and kicking off with a inspiration-information-enjoyment combo that I just discovered last night:

Sarah Kay at TED (forgive the autoplay) – I connected with this on so many levels (via Seth Godin email re: the book of her first poem)

On to a super dose of all the best I have managed to see and read over the last few weeks:


It is so simple, yet you should really read the whole thing. This  “secret to happiness in life” post and credo is the best, most affirming, piece I’ve read… well… in a while.

Steve Kamb’s epic video of his travel and fitness adventures. Very well done and fun to watch.

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Non-Taxing Linkage (4_15_12)

Runners high

Good Afternoon and happy should-be-tax-day-but-it-isn’t-because-as-harry-potter-knows-there-is-no-post-on-Sundays Day!

I feel like I could hurdle mini coopers if not mac trucks today. (maybe a little runner’s high) I’m facing a crazy busy week, have a majore deadline looming and am behind for getting distracted by this shiny and that fun… but I’m in a place where none of of my tasks and to-dos feel daunting.

I’m ever so thankful for the feeling and will continue to ride the crest as long as I am able.

I hope you feel similarly strong and capable today, relishing in the joy that is life. If not, maybe a little linkage (heavy on the inspirational) is just what is needed…


More epic than David versus Goliath, Carlos versus Cancer is by far the most inspiring, kick your ass story that I have read in recent memory. Thoughts go out to this fighter with thanks for the inspiration to fuel that spark within us all.

Dr. Seuss quotes that can change your life.

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Road Linkage (2/12/12)

Greetings from ATL! (like the actual airport and stuff) I didn’t forget your weekend links – just a little later than usual, I apologize. I’m cooling my heels this morning after an unsuccessful attempt to get on an earlier flight to Cali. Oh well, if I’m going be on my laptop all day, may as well do it with strangers and drink options. On to the links…


1, I love this headline and picture. 2, 99%?! of American women have used Contraception. Most articles link back to the Guttmacher Institute – I didn’t dive deep into statistical practices but they seem legit. I’m glad but that number surprised me.

Think some of this might be a causality corollary thing but still interesting to see the effect of investing in women. Yay! Women

Fat doesn’t make you fat. Carbs do. Bring on the bacon!– or for me: Nuts and Avocado! (via @brainpicker)

10 Tips for writing (esp in biz applications)

Big High-Five for science yet again. If only the people that needed convincing (or to shut the hell up) believed in, you know, biology. Anyway this criticism of gay marriage bans is highly informative and has cartoons!


Do what you want.

Need some a kick in the pants? 100 People doing Extraordinary things. (Remember you can be extraordinary in small ways)

Intentional Enjoyment:

Because this future-librarian also dreams of one day opening a bookstore here’s a list of 25 things a proprietess learned upon doing so.

Social media explained with doughnuts. Just click it.

There has been a ton of press on Pinterest this week. If you cannot wait for your weekend roundup of the fun things I enjoy, join the new shiny webby thing and follow my super rad board of hilarity.

If you have a swell link to add, please do so in the comments or check out my new bio page for contact info.


Race for the Linkage

I have 44 “To Read/Watch” tabs open in my browser from the week so the ones I have actually gotten to and can recommend is more brief. We start, as always, with the best:

“So long as we have a monetization model of information that prioritizes the wrong stakeholders — advertisers over readers — we will always cater to the business interests of the former, not the intellectual interests of the latter.” – Maria Popova

Click for her commentary, stay to read similar denouncement of media changes from 1923


An Untappd code of ethics which I enjoy that there is such a thing and I agree with the “rules” (you can find me here if you are interested.)

I still love the muppets, sesame street, classical music and the beauty of geometry. All to be found here.

Writing Rules that are made for breaking.

Great =/= Expensive. Esp in digital age. I wish RIAA would learn this.


Perspective: Intentions, decisions and Outcomes

INterest – one I neglected of which a 16-year old Pollock was reminded lovingly by his dad. “In other words to be fully awake to everything about you & the more you learn the more you can appreciate & get a full measure of joy & happiness out of life.”

Super Bowl Preview: This never happened at my C-league hockey games – would have been incredible (even if sponsored by Bud). For the love of Sport.

Intentional Enjoyment

Go to at least page five of this photo collage of edited signs and “vandals.”

Recap of the death of Superman and what it means – hilarious.