Listing my purpose

To Do Tatto via Flickr By robstephaustralia

Percolating a little on my failure to blog and energized by successful registration to WDS2012 the thought occurred to me that my blogging wasn’t purposeful.

I have a love, love love of lists… but they all have an objective. Generated by need or out of a want of motivation there is a reason I am making the list (or setting the alarm or scheduling that thing or planning to meet that person or writing that reminder note). There is a specific purpose to adding the things on it. And, for me, great satisfaction in crossing things off if not the accomplishing of those things.

I have a few of things in my life that I am working on right now that I schedule diligently… and setting aside time and space to write here was not one of them. So if I’m not making time for it, then it is’t important right?

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Not getting it done…

Are my ideas/intentions too ambitious and so it just doesn’t get there?

Am I sidetracked too easily by the shiny?

Do I loose momentum after the original idea?

Do I procrastinated to to point of extinction without a deadline?

Yes, yes And yes. Oh And yes.

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And now back…

… to our regularly scheduled program…

In future posts I will be talking more about the eponyms of my blog. It will be part travelogue and part homage to some of my favorite things. I hope people read and enjoy my perspective but I confess, dear reader, I am doing this mostly for me. I have been writing over the last few months and it feels good. So I’m going to roll out some of what I have written to the webs (or what I’m reconstructing that I have written after hard drive failure) to see if that feels good too.

You’ll not find a big personal statement or picture here yet. I kinda like my anonymity for now. Feel free to reach me through the comments section (“Ask Me Anything”) with the great caveat that you are welcome to ask but I might choose not to answer.

Keep Reading. Keep Drinking. Keep Enjoying.